Tuesday 5 November 2019

PENN News Term 4

This is our last PENN movie for Room 11 2019. I really enjoyed dressing up and putting on a play. I liked learning about how to keep ourselves safe in and around water at Glen Innes Aquatics. Making Fruit kababs was awesome. Playing Chubby Bunny for our our writing experience. Our treasure box has been full of fun and treats and slime. Reading about pizza and then we made pizza. We went to the beach to explore the rock pools, that was lot of fun. We have had so much fun learning together in Room 11.

Friday 25 October 2019

Friday 30 August 2019

Marshmallow and spaghetti challange

Today in Cyber smart we learnt about Smart Relationships qualities. I went with Elemasi and Riverson, We had to make a tower out of spaghetti sticks and one marshmallow. i didn't win but i enjoyed it anyway.

Saturday 29 June 2019

One day I was walking up a hill until I saw an old man in a small tiny house.
He said hello come in i haven't had visitors in ages, so I came in. his house
was amazing, it looked like a manion, and the old man was actually a
millionaire.It looked tiny outside and huge inside. He owned a flat screen
TV, indoor swimming pool spa pool and a master bedroom. It was awesome,
but after a While i had to go, I said goodbye to the old man and went back home.

When I got home somehow teleported to my bedroom I told my mum about
it, she said you were asleep and all of that was a dream. That explains how
i was teleported to my bedroom, I was sad, I wanted it to be real, so I
had breakfast and went back to sleep. to see the old man again